Can’t Buy Grace is set against the rural-noir landscape of Northern Minnesota. Flatlands, farmlands, mounds of dirt and snow abound. With characters matching in grit, the atmosphere of Can’t Buy Grace exhibits the muddiness of living.
*All photos are provided for reference only and are not actual cast or shooting locations.
*photos may be subject to copyright
24- Tall, white, beard and crew cut. Jen is a young father doing what he can to be the best father to his daughter, Grace. He has been pulled into the drug world and he is doing illegal things to save his daughter from the world he grew up in.
5- Blonde, thin. Grace is an optimistic little girl. She adores her father, Jen. Grace is stuck with her addict mother and she has lived her whole life being second best to meth in her mother's eyes. She has large dreams for a little girl; dreams of escaping.
24- Rail thin, blonde hair. Grace’s mom and ex to Jen. She is a young mother who is a massive meth addict. She loves Grace but she loves meth more. She wants to prove she is a good mother but does it through manipulation, lies and cheating.
24- Short, wiry, clean shaven. Corey is a young man following the same old routine day in and day out. He sells drugs to support his girlfriend Bea’s and his habits. He does whatever he can to get money. To him, money means a whole new beginning after everything he has been through. He will avoid prison at all costs.
22- Tall, rail thin. Son of Cecil, Jens cousin. He is his father's obedient right hand and strong arm. Has a hair trigger temper and murderous intentions.
50- Tall, stout. Cecil not only hunts big game but he is the big game in town. Cecil and his son, Doug, are using Jen to sell their product; extremely high grade meth.